Ranking The 30 Best Actors of All-Time

23. Gary Oldman

Image Source: The Daily Beast

Gary Oldman has never been an awards favorite. He’s simply too good an actor, and too generous an actor. Oldman quietly takes a commanding lead when duty calls. He also disappears invisibly into an ensemble as a true team player. Oldman recently earned critical acclaim (and his first Oscar) for his transformation into Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour. The veteran actor has always been praised for disposing of every last ounce of his own personality to embody every aspect of the character he’s portraying. His role in Sid and Nancy helped to make Oldman one of Hollywood’s greatest ’90s villains (including roles in movies like True Romance and The Fifth Element). Oldman finally achieved superstardom in the new millennium playing Sirius Black in the Harry Potter series — as well as Commissioner Gordon in The Dark Knight trilogy.